abstract art


abstrakte Malerei von Thomas Peter Kausel
abstrakte Malerei, abstrakte Kunst, abstract art, abstract painting



abstract painting
abstract painting.Abstract art uses visual language of shape, form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. Abstract art, non-figurative art, non-objective art, and non-representational art are all closely related terms. They have similar, but perhaps not identical, meanings.



abstract painting
abstract painting.The predominant intense, rich colors ignite a great fascination that characterizes his art to this day, and which the artist finally translates into his own unmistakable pictorial language. His painting is also subject to constant development and change, but his fundamental conception of art has not changed in all the creative years. The works shown here, with their warm-toned colorfulness, possess an even greater degree of sensual liveliness.



abstract painting
abstract painting.The beauty of unmixed color. Structures and colors show an incomparable beauty. With thickly applied paint, structures and surface treatment Kausel creates a strong luminosity of color and the work gains energy and captivates the viewer.





painting abstract
painting abstract. Abstrakte Malerei.The strong, rich layers of color in interaction with the special materiality of the sometimes subtly shiny paint surface and the particularly painterly, almost impasto brushstroke, which in broad, clearly prominent traces the manual work, makes the artist’s craft visible. The paintings show Kausel’s creative process, in which external influences – inspirations from nature, everyday life and personal experiences – are expressed in a certain form and in different color modulations. In this way, and through the great wealth of associations in the works, the painter once again increases the emotional quality of his works. A masterpiece of sensual abstract painting.
abstract painting
abstrakte Malerei.Kausel experimentiert mit Formen, die die Sicherheit geometrischer Ordnungen durchbrechen, wobei er auch die Farbe in seine Kompositionen mit einbezieht. Jede Farbe kann mit einer anderen sinnvoll agierend zusammengebracht werden. Dies ist keine Frage des Geschmacks, sondern der richtig bestimmten Quantitäten. Kausel setzt sich über persönliche Vorlieben für Farbharmonien hinweg. Wichtig in den Überlegungen Kausels wird die Frage der Grenze – besser der Nichtgrenze – zwischen zwei Farben. Von ihr hängt die Wahrnehmung der Raumwirkung der Farbe ab.


abstract painting
abstract painting.Kausel experiments with forms that break through the security of geometric orders, also incorporating color into his compositions. Each color can be brought together with another in a meaningful way. This is not a matter of taste, but of properly determined quantities. Kausel overrides personal preferences for color harmonies.Important in Kausel’s considerations becomes the question of the boundary – better the non-boundary – between two colors. The perception of the spatial effect of the color depends on it.


abstract painting
Abstrakte Malerei.Die lebendig strukturierte Farboberfläche erzielt den Eindruck von undefinierbarer Räumlichkeit, von Tiefe. Die Farbe des Unkörperlichen und Geistigen ist auch ein Zeichen für die wahre, nämlich geistige Welt, befreit von materiellen Erscheinungsformen, für einen Raum der Freiheit.



abstract painting
Abstract painting. Hardly any other art movement has been able to break up the classical understanding of the image in such a lasting way and enrich it with new ideas as abstract painting.


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